4th SBG Community Webinar
The NASA Surface Biology & Geology team invites the science, applications and space-science communities to our fourth community webinar on February 18th at 1:00 PM Eastern.
The webinar will cover updates on the status of the SBG mission, the preferred SBG architecture, a call for papers, and ways to engage with ongoing and planned SBG pathfinder activities
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Please register by 17 February 2021, 12:00 AM Eastern Time.
WebEx details will be e-mailed to all registered participants shortly after the registration deadline
For questions, please contact us at sbg@jpl.nasa.gov or join the discussion at the SBG Community Slack (https://join.slack.com/t/sbgcommunity/shared_invite/zt-fi4h7h7b-gHX77zKNJj7RVmMfTxgr4g).