Community Webinar on SBG Architecture Recommendations to NASA Headquarters
- Community Webinar on SBG Architecture Recommendations to NASA Headquarters
- 2020-07-15T05:00:00-07:00
- 2020-07-15T07:00:00-07:00
- This webinar will begin with a review of the science and applications metrics used to score architectures to be followed by a presentation of the recommended options, a preferred option, and two high-value alternates. The SBG team will review the process for community feedback, and NASA HQ staff, including Charles Webb, Associate Director for Flight Programs, Earth Science Division, who will discuss the next steps, leading to a decision.
- When Jul 15, 2020 from 05:00 AM to 07:00 AM (America/Los_Angeles / UTC-700)
- Where WebEx (12:00 PM EDT)
- Web Visit external website
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Prior to each webinar, the SBG team will distribute summary material and request that questions be submitted in advance, although there will also be opportunities for Q and A during the webinars as well. In addition, prior to the 15 July event, summary information on the three final candidate architectures and a response form to facilitate feedback from the community will be distributed, and available on the SBG website ( Following each webinar, following the process established with the first webinar, held on March 26th, a summary will be posted (see, along with the presentation material.
Input received at the May and July workshops, will be summarized and will be part of the package transmitted to NASA HQ by the SBG team.
Please register for Webinars 1 and 2 to ensure that you receive WebEx login details, timely updates, and other materials described above! Register at